
At MK Primary PRU it is our intention for children to love reading regardless of what ability or challenges they may have. We aim to ensure a balanced mix of approaches to reading so that our pupils achieve the skills required to understand the texts that they read, have a positive attitude, confidence as well as interest and a life-long love of reading. Our intent is to ensure that all pupils are supported and encouraged to read to the best of their ability, with confidence and passion, in any subject by establishing an environment where reading for pleasure is promoted and for pupils to be able to access and acquire knowledge across the curriculum using their comprehension skills. This will enable pupils to move readily into their next steps in their education journey.

Pre-reading skills are embedded through the use of a phonics programme called Read, Write, Inc (RWI) as well as discussions around books and their features. Pre-reading skills are taught using synthetic phonics and a multi-sensory approach that accommodates all learning styles.  Sharing stories, information texts and poetry with the whole class or small groups is also used widely to develop a love for reading alongside our reading scheme and as regular visits to the school library. ​

Our school use the VIPERS programme to ensure pupils make continued progress.

We want the children in our school to:

  • Enjoy reading all genre of books and appreciate the value and worth of reading in everyday life.
  • Read a range of different kinds of reading material fluently and with understanding
  • Make choices about the sorts of authors and texts that they enjoy including poets and playrights.
  • Use reading skills to search for information
  • Read ‘between the lines’ and behind the images
  • Be exposed to literature that is beyond their current experience.
  • Texts should be re-read for fluency and to build confidence

Throughout the school day, children are provided with many opportunities to develop and strengthen their literacy skills. These include:

Twice daily phonics sessions in Key Stage 1 and for those who require further intervention.

Daily supported reading sessions with regular teacher assessment

A focused reading in KS2 which allows for discussion, analysis and written responses to text 

Focus texts used throughout the day

Home reading books and a reading diary to record in

A class novel, story book or novel. Children should be able to have an open conversation about texts they have read.

Where it has been identified that children need additional support to meet age related expectations, the school offer a range of intervention support strategies including:

‘Inference Training’- designed to support those who decode well but need support to comprehend texts

Additional 1:1 reading with an adult or volunteer

At MK Primary PRU all pupils and staff are encouraged to read for pleasure. The promotion of a love for reading across the school is developed through reading displays in classrooms, regular library visits/book corners, class stories/novels, reading events such as World Book Day celebrations and other reading activities outside of the curriculum, as well as sharing reading at home, we encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards all kind of literature and believe that parents play a vital role in this process.

MK Primary PRU will ensure that a Reading spine is used and that we increase children’s experience of cultural capital by reading quality texts.

We are introducing bookmarks/badges to encourage our pupils to read and they will be awarded when pupils have read 25, 50, 75 and 100 books either at home or in school.


Curriculum Progression